My New Mobile Lighting Rig

My New Mobile Lighting Rig

Last week I finally pulled the trigger on some more powerful lighting.

Originally I was drawn to the Elinchrom Quadra’s but the price and the reported issues (poor battery clips and no protective caps for the heads while in transit) put me off. So I looked into alternatives like the Bowens TravelPak system and the Lencarta Safari but held off from making a purchase because both were far bulkier. Then Elinchrom released the Quadra RX – basically a Quadra with bug fixes!

So far I can’t praise these Quadra RX’s enough – solid build quality, power, speed and the ability to adjust power from camera.

The only slight downside are the included reflectors. They don’t focus or control the light at all, giving almost 180 of spill as you can see in the image below. I shall be ordering the 18cm ones today.

Stay tuned for some more sample images and opinions.

Georgia Graham Location Shoot

Georgia Graham Location Shoot

Last weekend, FHM Holiday Honey and car show regular, Georgia Graham made the trip down to Bristol from the North East for a shoot. We’d been planning for a few weeks, so by the time the day arrived I’d compiled a list of locations to go with her styling ideas and although nothing was set in stone, we had a good idea of what we were working to achieve.

For the gear heads; we were travelling light as we had to carry everything with us so all the shots below were lit with speedlights, using everything from Westcott umbrellas to home-made grid spots. Two Manfrotto nano light stands did the bulk of the work while my assistant for the day, Helen, acted as a VAL for the 3 light setups. Camera-wise, I used my 5DMkII with my 24-105MM L F4 and 70-200mm L F4 lenses.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments.

Thanks to Georgia for making the trek down to Bristol and for being such a pleasure to work with. You can find out more on her webiste or follow her on Twitter.