Photo of the Week – Georgia

Photo of the Week – Georgia

Welcome to Photo Of The Week! This is a new idea I am trying out so I’d really like to hear your feedback. The plan is to post an image every Tuesday afternoon with a little bit of text about how it was shot.


Let’s start off with this image of Georgia. It was shot in a multi-storey car park in Birmingham – I am all about the glamourous locations! The blobs in the background are actually traffic lights and a few lamp posts on a junction about a mile away.

EXIF Data I shot this with a 70-200mm f4 lens, zoomed to 200mm (to compress the background and bring the lights as close as possible) and wide open at f4 (to blur them into nice large blobs of colour). If you check the EXIF data, you’ll see I was a quite a high ISO at 1/100th of a second. I needed to give the traffic lights in the background time to burn in but shooting hand held at 200mm stopped me going below 1/100th for my shutter speed. This meant I had to drive the ISO up to 1250. Luckily my Elinchrom Quadra packs can be adjusted down as low as 25 watt seconds and the 70cm Deep Octa softbox it was in (off to camera right) was soaking up about another stop of light, leaving Georgia perfectly exposed.