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  1. Ernie Savarfese
    April 22, 2013 @ 11:06 pm

    Hi Simon!!.. Great picture and post… I Always like reading your posts.. always really good info and of course great photos with Fantastic girls!!.. Cheers!!


  2. Rob
    April 23, 2013 @ 9:39 am

    The washout weekend wasn’t what we had hoped for as our first show as sponsor at Santa pod. But while the show was a wash out I was massively impressed with the endurance of the attendees and how the show was captured by the photographers we had there. This particular shot by Simon immediately impressed me when it landed on my desk and as an amateur photographer myself I’d wondered how it was shot. Its interesting to read just how much effort you went to. The result has been well worthwhile though and we’ve already used this image in a few places. Great work Simon.


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