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  1. Ali
    September 7, 2013 @ 3:06 am

    This post just saved my day. I’m on vacation in Yellowstone National Park and have been doing a lot of photography. The landscapes have been coming out fine but my wild animals have been really hit or miss. I borrowed my friends 100 – 400 and am not used to shooting a telephoto like this. A lot of the images will have just a touch of shake and it’s been annoying. Today was our last day in the park and this morning I read your post and realized that I’ve been shooting too slow of a shutter speed for this lens. I put the camera in manual mode but left ISO in auto. Set the shutter to always be over 1,00 with minor adjustments with conditions and stopped the lens down to f10. Since it’s a Mark iii I knew I could push the ISO up. It worked and I got reliably crisp shots all day. Thanks for this post the timing was perfect!!


    • simon
      September 11, 2013 @ 9:54 am

      Fantastic! I’m glad it helped.


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